onsdag 23. januar 2013

Pecs that turn hoes necks

"How much do you benchpress?" Is probably the most asked question at a gym. Especially amongst the guys. But if you only train benchpress for your chest, your missing out on a lot. Here comes some great exercises to pop those pecs!

Chest day:
Good ol` benchpress. 4 x 8-12 reps
1. Incline dumbbell benchpress. 4 x 8-12 reps
2. Incline dumbbell flyes. 4 x 10-15 reps
3. Dumbbell benchpress. 3 x 8-12 reps
4. Chest dips. 3 x 8-12 reps
5. Superset: Cable crossover high/low. 4 x 10-15 reps (no rest between high and low cross).

Try to lift as heavy as possible and go to failure. Getting that last rep really makes a difference.
And for example if you can do more than 12 reps on exercise #1, you need to choose heavier weights.

1. Incline dumbbell benchpress:
(Main focus: Upper part of the chest)
Sit down on incline bench with dumbbells resting on lower thigh. Kick weights to shoulders and lean back. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with upper arm under each dumbbell.
Press dumbbells up with elbows to sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to sides of upper chest until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder. Repeat.

2. Incline dumbbell flyes:
(Main focus: Upper part of the chest)
Adjust the bench to about 30-45 degrees incline.  Hold the dumbbells over your chest with arms fixed in slightly bent position. Bend elbows slightly and internally rotate shoulders so elbows point out to sides.
Lower dumbbells outward to sides of shoulders. Keep elbows fixed in slightly bent position. When a stretch is felt in chest or shoulders, bring dumbbells back together in hugging motion above upper chest until dumbbells are nearly together. Repeat.

Note: Dont lower the arms to far, that might cause shoulder complaints.

3. Dumbbell benchpress:
Sit down on a flat bench with dumbbells resting on lower thigh. Kick weights to shoulder and lie back. Position dumbbells to sides of chest with bent arm under each dumbbell.
Press dumbbells up with elbows to sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to sides of upper chest until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder. Repeat.

4. Chest dips:
Mount wide dip bar with oblique grip (bar diagonal under palm), arms straight with shoulders above hands. Bend knees and hips slightly.
Lower body by bending arms allowing elbows to flare out to sides. When slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulders push body up until arms are straigh. Repeat.

Note: The difference between a chest dip and a triceps dip is that you use a wider grip, let your upper body lean slightly more forward, and you are allowing elbows to flare out to the sides.

Note2: If this exercise is to easy for you; you can add some weights. Either some plates hanging in a belt or a dumbbell clinched between your thighs.

5. Cable crossover high:
(Main focus: Upper part of the chest)
Grasp two opposing low pulley dumbbell attachments. Stand with pulleys to each side. Bend elbows slightly.
Bring cable attachments together in hugging motion with elbows in fixed position. Return to starting position until chest muscles are stretched. Repeat.

6. Cable crossover low:
Grasp two opposing high pulley dumbbell attachments. Stand with pulleys to each side. Bend elbows slightly and internally rotate shoulders so elbows are back initially.
Bring cable attachments together in hugging motion with elbows in fixed position. Keep shoulders internally rotated so elbows are pointed upward at top and out to sides at bottom. Return to starting position until chest muscles are stretched. Repeat.

If the explanations or anything was unclear, just ask in the comment field and me or Tonje will answer you asap.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Damn.. Det va litt av ei bryst økt :D

    1. Ja, den svir godt! ;) Passe godt inn i 4 eller 5 splitt program.
      Men om det blir for mye volum, så kan man jo alltids kutte ned litt på antall sett :)
