onsdag 29. mai 2013

10 Reasons why you're not gaining muscle mass!

Read this at Treningsforum.no today, and I think this is a common problem - both among men and women. Too see more of this article, visit THIS link.

1. You do not focus on progression

The muscles adjust to what you demand them to do, if you stay still on a specific type of weight - you wont get bigger either. (Heard of Wolf's law? - I think this principle is applicable to the whole body)

You goal should be to increase the weights for 2,5 - 5kg for central exercises like; Squats, Bench, Military press and deadlift)

2. You don't log your training

Without logging at least you central exercises, you do not know how much you should have increased. And it's nice to have a overview of progression during periods, so you know whats works and not when it comes to your body.

3. Not enough variation in the training

You find variation in many forms. It's not said that you have to switch training program every 2-3 month. (even though in my opinion thats good, not only for progression but also for motivation)
Variation could be: change of load, change of amount of repetitions.
To have different repetition-cycles is a good alternative.

4. You do not train base exercises

What are they: Bench press, bent over barbell row, squats, deadlift, military press.
In these exercises more than one muscle is involved, and you can use higher loads than in isolation exercises.
Implement these exercises, and the potential for muscle growth becomes bigger. (Bigger load, bigger muscle)

5. Bad technique/performance of the exercises

Usually its recommended to have a controlled slow eccentric phase, and a powerful fast concentric phase. The most important thing to remember is that it's you controlling the weight, and not the other way around.
Be also sure that you do your exercises with the correct technique!

6. You train each muscle group too seldom

The more frequent you train a muscle, the bigger is the potential for growth.

7. You have no de-load periods/de-load week
To avoid stagnation in you training, it could be vise to have a "rest period" every 6-12 week.
This of course depends on you activity level and how hard you train!

8. Insufficient amount of food and sleep

Too many people eat toi little food! A good rule of thumb when your goal is to gain muscles is to stay 500calories above what your body needs. And you should have at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night.

9. You stress and worry too much

Stress increases the cortisol level in you body, cortisol breaks down muscles and promotes storage of fat! Too many people worry too musch about everything, try to put your life in a big perspective, see what actually matters, and try to minimize unnecessary stress. 
Stress - what can it cause, and what can you do?

10. No continuity

You simply want get a impressive physique from being dedicated in two monts. It need continuity, to build muscles is a process that takes time!!
Be realistic to yourself, and find a regimen you know you can follow for a longer period.

So, are you doing all this things correct? Or maybe there is something that need a little more focus? For me it's the progression part I have to work some more with! - so a new goal now is to be better in making a continuos progression in the load every week! (even though now its time for fat-burning - this should be possible! The mind is the limit!)

Want to know more about training, visit Treningsforum.no ;)

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