fredag 15. mars 2013

Status update week 9 and some words about deload

Friday = status update day!

Well, must admit I was a little worried this time again - deload week, night out and taking pictures on my own (had to literally push the button, and run into position!!)

So as I suspected - all the measurements stands still!
But, now I have tons of energy, and are ready to rumble next week! :D Only have one more deload workout this week, before High intensity, heavy weights, allowed to go to failure and and and yohoo :D

Measurements today compared to last week:
Waist    67cm (0)
Hips      76cm (0)
Thighs  57cm (-0,5)
Arms    31cm (0)


Oh yes, I admit it - I'm quite satisfied with my tights these days :)

Some words about deload

Well the purpous of a deload week is to allow sufficient recovery of you body!
When you have trained for some years, this is i really important measure to take to don't get overtrained!

I have been training for many many years, so for me an intervall of 3 weeks hard, 1 week deload is good.

If you only hav been training for one year or so (depending on how hard of course) it can be sufficient with once every 12th week, once every 10th week, or 8th week.

Signs of overtraining

-       Chronic fatigue, unaffected by normal sleep
-       Insomnia
-       Lasting muscle soreness
-       Increased resting heart rate
-       Decreased strength
-       Sudden drop in performance
-       Decreased overall work capacity
-       Loss of motivation
-       Mood swings
-       Depression
-       Decreased muscle size
-       Decreased immunity (increased frequency and severity of ig. Colds, sore throat)
-       Pain in muscles and joints
-       Injuries
-       Headaches
-       Decreased appetite

So if you recognize this symptoms - DELOAD now!

There are different ways to do it, some go from heavy weight lifting to only doing bodyweight
exercises, others leave the base exercises out of the programme (deadlifts, squats, bench) and 
focus on smaller/isolated muscle work, but one guideline that pops up everywhere is that you are
supposed to reduce your total training load with 40%. - this you can be done in example by 
reducing Kgs lifted, sets dones or time you run.

There is many ways to Rome!

It can be wise to focus some extra on mobility exercises, stretching, activation of muscle groups (like
glutes - to many people dont have contact with their glutes - get it!) and working on the technique.

Have a nice friday, and promise me: do something to enjoy yourself this weekend :D

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