lørdag 12. januar 2013

What's that sound?!?!?

"should I check it out, or, mmmm, sleep -or OK I will check it out"…. - That where my thoughts this morning.. And yeah, it was a good thing that I opened my eyes to see - that was Emil calling, standing outside in his terrific turquoise car!! (We just call it the Steel wagon!)
WTF!? The clock was 09:00 already, time to work out!

I have always been an A-person! But this time I really struggle to get into my rhythm again! Up at 7:00 and in bed at 22:00! And in the other direction – Emil has always been the B-person and things just turned totally around!! But yeah, now it’s another story!

So up from bed, taking on clothes, drinking preworkout, mixing BCAA, running down the stairs (almost falling as usual – Netherland got the steepest stairs you can imagine) and out to the gym it went!

Total body workout today with high repetitions low weight on leg exercises, focus on core, and some extra focus on shoulders for me,and extra focus on chest for Emil!
It was a good workout, and training before breakfast is actually not that bad - and a bonus: It burns fat!

Here is my post workout meal/breakfast: meat, broccoli, egg, rice cookie and a protein shake!

And also, as you see, protein can be used to more than one thing! The fridge in the house doesn’t want to stay closed, so ended up with this solution!

Good reminder in the weekends ;)
Tonight sushi is on the menu, and I'm looking forward to it! :D

Have a nice saturday people ;)
Tomorrow I will put out my diet plan!

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