fredag 11. januar 2013

The status right now!

 Well! The shit just got real, me and Emil took pictures today to see how things really looks like!

To have a picture before starting dieting and training against a lower fat %.

Often when you look in the mirror, what you see is misleading- and how you feel that day totally affects how you see yourself!

So to be as objective as possible during either bulking or ripping - I will recommend to take pictures, measures and weigh yourself :)
Good to have real numbers on improvements ;)

Weight: 63kg

Height: 164cm

Measures in cm:
- Arms: 31 left and right
- Thighs: left 60, right 59
- Waist: 73
- Hips (4 cm down from the navle): 83

Maximum lifts (done October 2012) (The new ones will come asap - but don't feel it optimal now after beeing sick for 3 weeks!!):
- 3RM deadlift: 100Kg
- 3RM squats: 140Kg (BUT this one is not deep enough:-/ !)
- 3RM bench: 74Kg
- 3RM chins: 5Kg

I have been bulking since the summer now, after for the first time trying ripping in the spring 2012 - so this time I'm really excited to see whats hiding :)

This time I will go for a slower method than I did the sping 2012. So I'm going for a "diet" combining fat loss and recomposition. Mixing them in a way I think will work for me. So I'm excitet to see if it works the way I want it to! :)

Playing a litle aroung with the carbs, some days with alot, and some days with nearly nothing - I know by now that this is something working for me and my body.

More pictures, goals during the period and updates to come! :)

Have a nice weekend!!

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