mandag 10. juni 2013

3 weeks dieting, status update

Sry the delay of my status update!I have allot going on now! Soon I'm done with the theoretical part of my education, and there is many exams coming up! So now I have to give it all to the final end! :)

Well, now it's been 3 weeks dieting, and changes are in progress!
From last week, I've now lost 1,5 cm around the waist, 1 cm around the hips, and 1cm around the thighs, while measures around upper arm stands still :)
Measured the fat percentage this friday - and it's on its way down :D

The energy level is swinging up and down through the day, but still I feel I have good workouts! (kind of saving my energy for the workouts it seems like, since I can be really tired during the day, then I go for workout and then the beast becomes alive!)
Something else that is swinging is the mood! I'm not grumpy all the time, but the temper is short, and small stupid things can be irritabel with no reason why!
- This is not only the diets fault, but when you have some things in your head that is not fully expressed or sorted out, this really cames visible when you don't have much of a energy reserve.
So tip to you guys out there training hard and on a diet: Be open, honest to yourself and others, and don't swallow things that should have been said to release the pressure :)(BTW - this aplies to every human being!!!)

Definitions starts to show, and I'm really satisfied with that :)

When it comes to the food, I'm trying to be as creative as possible - mixing with all types of spices to avoid the food being boring :)

Yesterday I made curry rice with basilicum,fresh garlic, chili and onion powder on top (the onion-powder actually makes the food a bit more salty!)

If you are one of those trying to avoid salt - read the etikett of the spice boxes!! there is allot of spices containing salt! go for the pure ones, and try to mix'em together instead ;)

Yepp, thats all for today! Hope you had a nice weekend, start of the week and that the rest of the week will be good!


Today is the start of a better tomorrow :)

 Peace out! ;)

5 kommentarer:

  1. looking good Tonje!! :D Hva ligger du på i inntaket av Carbs/Proteiner/kalorier nå som det er ordentlig diet på gang!? Å hva ligger fettprosenten på? Må jo være bra nærme eller under 10% !? Ser nå slik ut i hvertfall :)

  2. Takk for det :D
    I forhold til mat ligger jeg på mellom 1500-1600 ca nå. Og ca fordeling 30% protein og 70%karbohydrater, + omega3, D-vit og det fettet som er maten naturlig (men det er jo ikke stor iom at alt er rene råvarer) :)

    hehe, den begynner å nærme seg 10, 12.7 fredagen som var :)

  3. Jo, også må jeg presisere at dette er lagt opp til min kropp (vekt, høyre, alder, aktivitetsnivå osv.) og hvordan den repsonderer.. Anbefaler om man skal ned - at man ikke ligger på mere enn 500kalorier minus enn hva man skal ha for å opprettholde en stabil kroppsvekt :)

    OG - det er ingen grunn til å frykte karbohydrater ;)

  4. Hehe, karbohydratene er muligens din venn.. ikke min venn ;)

    Men man finner jo ut hva som funker for seg selv!! Funker dette for deg så kjør på! Resultater uteblir ikke ser det ut til :D

    1000 veier til Rom ;)

  5. hehe - var livredd dissa karbohydratene en stund jeg også, hvertfall etter en lavkarb diett, - men så funker det jaggu meg alikevel ;)

    men ja, man er så forskjellig :))

    Lykke til videre på din vei til Rom! ;)
