torsdag 30. mai 2013

Rest day, and green tea for fat burning!

So yesterday was leg day, and today I barely can't walk (again!!)
the stairs in this house is really dangerous after leg day!
Look kinda like this when I try to walk down :P

 Think one of the things I love the most when it comes to dieting - is that the form of the legs are coming back!! Can't wait too see those lines!

So today was rest day, school and studies on the schedule!
 Got a little bored of studying - so then I took some pictures of how the results are so far!!
Wierd how much it helps on the confidence to just knowing you are doing the right things to achieve your goals! :)

Did you btw know that green tea helps for fat burning??
I simply put a bag in my water ;) (yep, when its cold!)

Was planning to give you 10 good reasons to drink green tea, and some facts about it today - but the day flew away! Now I have to run to the train station to pick up my boyfriend :D

Hope you had a nice day! Strike a pose ;) Peace out!

onsdag 29. mai 2013

10 Reasons why you're not gaining muscle mass!

Read this at today, and I think this is a common problem - both among men and women. Too see more of this article, visit THIS link.

1. You do not focus on progression

The muscles adjust to what you demand them to do, if you stay still on a specific type of weight - you wont get bigger either. (Heard of Wolf's law? - I think this principle is applicable to the whole body)

You goal should be to increase the weights for 2,5 - 5kg for central exercises like; Squats, Bench, Military press and deadlift)

2. You don't log your training

Without logging at least you central exercises, you do not know how much you should have increased. And it's nice to have a overview of progression during periods, so you know whats works and not when it comes to your body.

3. Not enough variation in the training

You find variation in many forms. It's not said that you have to switch training program every 2-3 month. (even though in my opinion thats good, not only for progression but also for motivation)
Variation could be: change of load, change of amount of repetitions.
To have different repetition-cycles is a good alternative.

4. You do not train base exercises

What are they: Bench press, bent over barbell row, squats, deadlift, military press.
In these exercises more than one muscle is involved, and you can use higher loads than in isolation exercises.
Implement these exercises, and the potential for muscle growth becomes bigger. (Bigger load, bigger muscle)

5. Bad technique/performance of the exercises

Usually its recommended to have a controlled slow eccentric phase, and a powerful fast concentric phase. The most important thing to remember is that it's you controlling the weight, and not the other way around.
Be also sure that you do your exercises with the correct technique!

6. You train each muscle group too seldom

The more frequent you train a muscle, the bigger is the potential for growth.

7. You have no de-load periods/de-load week
To avoid stagnation in you training, it could be vise to have a "rest period" every 6-12 week.
This of course depends on you activity level and how hard you train!

8. Insufficient amount of food and sleep

Too many people eat toi little food! A good rule of thumb when your goal is to gain muscles is to stay 500calories above what your body needs. And you should have at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night.

9. You stress and worry too much

Stress increases the cortisol level in you body, cortisol breaks down muscles and promotes storage of fat! Too many people worry too musch about everything, try to put your life in a big perspective, see what actually matters, and try to minimize unnecessary stress. 
Stress - what can it cause, and what can you do?

10. No continuity

You simply want get a impressive physique from being dedicated in two monts. It need continuity, to build muscles is a process that takes time!!
Be realistic to yourself, and find a regimen you know you can follow for a longer period.

So, are you doing all this things correct? Or maybe there is something that need a little more focus? For me it's the progression part I have to work some more with! - so a new goal now is to be better in making a continuos progression in the load every week! (even though now its time for fat-burning - this should be possible! The mind is the limit!)

Want to know more about training, visit ;)

tirsdag 28. mai 2013

Shoulders and back day!

Every tuesday, and saturday is shoulders and back day (+ cardio of course)!
This is in my eyes the hardest workout I do!!! - yes, even harder than leg day (which comes tomorrow)!

If you have followed this blog for a while, you know this is my areas of focus - and then the workouts has to be hard too!

You don't stop when it burns, you stop when you are done!! and thats how it is!

This is the exercises I use:

- Pull ups (max rep) superset with standing DB shoulderpress
- lat puldown (supinated close grip) superset shoulder press machine (sitting wrong way on the machine)
- T-bar rows superset shoulder complex (flex - horizontal abduction - into horizontal adduction and down)

- supermans in the back extension rack with kettlebells in each hand

so yep, everything with 15 reps (slooow reps, with full contact in the muscles)

Concerning the diet, my body is adjusting well now, and now I'm back on the weights I used before the dieting started..
Some hunger during the day, pretty short temper, but the smile isn't too far away either ;)

Hope you had a nice day!

mandag 27. mai 2013

1 week dieting!

Finally the summer has come to Enschede!!! :D LOVE IT! - but, wont last for long according to the forecast. So best to enjoy the sunny days we get! :)

So how to get the most out of the day?

Well - do the training first! (then you can relax with good conscience all day long, without being paranoid if your going to be too lazy at the gym!)

Today was chest, arms, abs and cardio.
The energy level was luckily better than last week, so today I did good at training :D (finally one session I'm pleased with after I started dieting).

Since I'm struggling a little with my knees, I can't run like others do, so instead I use the stair machine!! But no worries - I still get the heart rate where I want it!
20 minutes cardio, with an average heartrate of 173 = DONE! in every single way.

And as I promised, here are pictures from today.
My photographer was a little shaky and in the hurry, so first picture is a little blurry! (sorry!)

You may think: How much can really happen i one week?
And I will tell you:

I lost 2 cm around my waits, 1 cm over the hips, and 1 of the thighs.
Measured the fat percentage on friday, and it had decreased with 2% since the monday before. 

Hope you had a nice day!

søndag 26. mai 2013

5 Tips to get in shape

Today I read at, about 5 Tips to get in shape!

I will give you a short summary (but recommend you to read the whole text by entring the link above), including some of my tips making it easier to follow.

1. Reduce calorie intake

A nice rule of thumb to know how much calories your body needs, is to multiply your own bodyweight with 30kcal. This means a man on 80Kg needs approximately 2400 kcal to keep a stable bodyweight. (*depending of how much he trains!)
When you want to loose weight you should lay about 500 calories in minus - so then 1900-2000 kcal each day is a nice place to start.
If you don't loose weight: adjust you calories more down, or activity level more up!

My Tip to reduce calorie intake:
Quit the bread and eat fruit instead! By doing this you will feel full for a longer time, and you can also eat a bigger volume that still gives the same amount of calories. Also eat allot of vegetables!
Read also my tips to eat heathy: HERE

2. Increase amount of protein

An increase in your protein intake can give you a better feeling of fullness, preserves more muscle mass and burns more fat (than carbs and fat).
This is because of the proteins high Thermic effect.
So: Eat proteins to every meal, and supplement with protein powder when you don't have access to other sources of protein.

My Tip: Well, exactly the same as written above. BUT, don't forget that a protein shake is a meal in itself!!  You can compare drinking a protein shake, to eating a chicken filet - so this calories also counts.

3. Increase amount of fiber

Fibers increases feeling of fullness, helps digestion, and makes it easier to keep the calorie deficit. Recommended intake for adults is 25-35grams. BUT - if your not used to much fiber - increase this level slowly to avoid obstipation!

My tip: Get the fiber through food instead of taking supplements, Foods with a high content of fiber is: Fruits, Grains, cereals(not the sugar ones, but the whole grain ones ;) ), Legumes, nuts and seeds, and of course: vegetables.

4. Do intervall training!

You can read why at my previous post: Body composition Changes, why HITT insead of LISS?! and you will understand why ;) - simply said: it is the most effective when it comes to burning fat.

5. Drink coffee

Caffein has been shown to increase the release from the fat cells in the fat deposits, and making fat more available to be burned as energy. (So you will use fat from your fat deposits)
Which is a wanted effect when you want to loose fat.
One cup of coffee contains about 100mg of caffein, so 1-3 cups a day is okey.

My tip: If you are a very stressed person, who meet many stressful situations everyday - you should not drink too much coffe. This can actually have the opposite effect of what you want, and fat can be stored at the belly and hip area. Read more about this here: Stress!! what can it cause, and how to reduce?

To gain more knowledge about training, visit:'s training category.

And my tip number 1:

Find a sport / activity / exercise form that you ENJOY to do! AND DO IT!
 This will keep up your motivation to stay active :)

Have a NICE sunday! Hope you enjoyed your weekend, and that you are ready for next weeks challanges :) Don't forget: Monday is the day to set the standard for the rest of the week! ;)

fredag 24. mai 2013

Almost a week on diet!

Ohh yeah! 5 days on diet - and do you know what?! I already see improvements!! :-O :D
Measured the fat % this tuesday, and again today to control if anything has to be changed in the diet (yep, already now), and this shows it's not only my crazy imagination - it's true :) Changes already have occurred! ;)

BUT - this has been a crazy hard week so far - my body has had a little struggle to adjust to new routines when it comes to the food. But finally - this night I had a good sleep, and I didn't RUN to the kitchen immediately as I woke up (As I have done the other days = HUNGRY!)

The trainings are still hard - so I'm working on my mentality.
When working out with 15 reps (many sets and exercises for each single muscle group), the pain comes long before the muscle actually is exhausted. And to keep going though this pain - is a mental test in itself for each set.

As help I have music, and I try to imagine where I will stand when my goal is reached!

Today was chest, arms, abs and cardio :)
Everything in supersets to keep up the intensity!
And I did my best, but next time I will do better!!

Well, now comes the weekend - and thats the time I'm used eat something extra good! But not this weekend, or any weekend for at least 4 months.
SO - I'm putting up a strategy to handle this.

I will have NO WEEKENDS!
Meaning that I will keep my weekends full of tasks to do, and instead of taking a day of from studies and duties in the weekend - I will have my total day of every friday instead (of course I will go to school - but after - no more duties than training has to be done :) )

So, have a crazy, fun weekend everybody! :D

torsdag 23. mai 2013

Elexia abandons members who use steroids

A controversial topic discussed in the Norwegian media today is the tactic among others the fitness center Elexia, uses to deal with the increased steroid use among fitness entusiast. Yesterday the website opened for discussion around the topic at this link:   Abandons members who use steroids

Shortly summarized:

- Anabolic steroids is a widespread and growing problem, and a doctor points out the role of importance fitness centers has in putting an end to this, and the centers agrees.

- One of the initiatives that has been done is to remove the heaviest weights!
and several centers has signed a "drugcontract" with their members. Allowing the centers to drugtest their customers.

- in occasions members has been abandoned from the centers because of use (or suspicion of use).

- Especially worrisome is the growing population of youngsters using.

Well - one of the initiatives I react on, is the removal of the heaviest weights. They lost customers to it, and  the undertone in my opinion sounds like they just assume that people are using steroids if they are strong.

What about the athletes?
What about training enthusiasts who has worked their ass off, aiming for the higher weighs - and suddenly someone takes their toy away?
"EY, where did my motivation go??"

Every big guy you se is not on steroids!

Isn't there other preventative measures that could be used, instead of putting people in boxes. I really don't think this is the way to get rid of the problem, they will just find another and better gym (both the people who are clean and strong, and the ones on steroids.)

Maybe move the focus  to prevent people from starting, instead of chopping the neck of those who is "in the game".

In my opinion - information would be a great measure to take!
Give information about what it is, how it works, and consequences. Make this obligatory for all schools. Hit the target group of young people as a first line prevention.

This will not only take away much of the curiosity, but also helping people to earn knowledge about the subject.
Many of those who start, have NO CLUE about what they are going to. They are told the sunshine part of the story, and dont know how dark it can get in the night. Maybe with some information, they wouldn't take the same choices.

AND also for those using steroids, I really don't think to criminalize a big population is the way to go.
Wouldn't it be better to have more control? Isn't it better for the user to i.e. have the ability to talk to their doctor in a open manner? And to have a more open tone around it when it comes to friends and also media, so people could talk freely about experiences they have. To criminalize would just make the "communities" more closed, and less information will be brought to the light.
Also seen in the Norwegian media lately, is "users" coming out in the light, telling their story, including the darkest parts. - Isn't this something we want to be continued?

What are your thoughts around this?
Is it okey to label people and put them in boxes?

Could information be one way to get to a solution?

Just writing my thoughts here, but one thing I really stand for is that-
all people have same value and should be treated accordingly :)

Read more about nutrition, training, and discussions around topics like this at:

onsdag 22. mai 2013

Time to get SHREDDED!

Hey! As I told you guys, I will start a new round to get shredded! After too many months bulking - its time ;)
The fat percentage is going to be lower than ever before!! It will be 4 months on a strict diet!
Today is my third day on the diet (started monday)! (Did btw make it up Alpe D`Huez this sunday, 1h30min was my time, and I'm proud! ;) )

I really feel the amount of food is much less than what I'm used too! And I'm drinking allot of water, was up 3 times tonight - soo not exactly completely rested when I woke up!

This is two of my meals during the day! The rest consists of plain yoghurt, chicken, rice and vegetables.

Had my first training after starting the diet yesterday - Shoulders, back and 20 min cardio at the end - That was hard!!

But today - there was time for legs!!! Don't you think I look exited before the training? :P
Well, It really wasn't too bad - fortunately the body becomes accustomed to the calorie intake. Still I was not able to pull the same amount of weights as I'm used too! (And that is frustrating!!!)

BUT - I got a rose from my coach when I was done because of my good work!! That is what I call motivation ;)

 Soo, this is what I look like now(taken yesterday) with no flexing or posing!

New status update will come each monday from now on!

Hope you had a nice day! 

See you tomorrow when I will post my thoughts about a training center in norway, taking steps to prevent the use of steroids!

fredag 17. mai 2013

Update from Les deux Alpes, and a quick outdoorsession for shoulders and back :)

3 Happy girls (and one happy boy behind camera) exited for a pitstop on our way to the Alpes, France!

Morning gymnastics with a french twist!
The atmosphere is great
even with 4 people in one car for 12 hours!

The nature here is majestic, and even I haven't got my hands on a bike yet - I feel satisfied so far :)
The mountains makes you feel free, and you suddenly come into deeper thoughts.
May I call it harmony??

The view from our Hotel room

The ascending of Alpe D´huez will happen on sunday, and until then I have too keep up with my training!

On the schedule today was shoulders and back - so I made a simple outdoor session.

Play ground, and a big rock

 the play ground
 The big rock

What did I do?
15x10series - L handstand pushups
in superset with
15x10series - inverted row

The only "break" was when I was running from the playground after doing inverted rows too the big stone for the L handstand pushups .

 Done with the strength part, time for the cardio ;)

For the cardio I did a power walk for about 30 min

Everything is sooo beatiful here, that I of course had to stops some times to take pictures ;)

Hope you had a nice day! I did :D