Today I read at, about
5 Tips to get in shape!
I will give you a short summary (but recommend you to read the whole text by entring the link above), including some of my tips making it easier to follow.
1. Reduce calorie intake
A nice rule of thumb to know how much calories your body needs, is to multiply your own bodyweight with 30kcal. This means a man on 80Kg needs approximately 2400 kcal to keep a stable bodyweight. (*depending of how much he trains!)
When you want to loose weight you should lay about 500 calories in minus - so then 1900-2000 kcal each day is a nice place to start.
If you don't loose weight: adjust you calories more down, or activity level more up!
My Tip to reduce calorie intake:
Quit the bread and eat fruit instead! By doing this you will feel full for a longer time, and you can also eat a bigger volume that still gives the same amount of calories. Also eat allot of vegetables!
Read also my tips to eat heathy: HERE
2. Increase amount of protein
An increase in your protein intake can give you a better feeling of fullness, preserves more muscle mass and burns more fat (than carbs and fat).
This is because of the proteins high
Thermic effect.
So: Eat proteins to every meal, and supplement with protein powder when you don't have access to other sources of protein.
My Tip: Well, exactly the same as written above. BUT, don't forget that a protein shake is a meal in itself!! You can compare drinking a protein shake, to eating a chicken filet - so this calories also counts.
3. Increase amount of fiber
Fibers increases feeling of fullness, helps digestion, and makes it easier to keep the calorie deficit. Recommended intake for adults is 25-35grams. BUT - if your not used to much fiber - increase this level slowly to avoid obstipation!
My tip: Get the fiber through food instead of taking supplements, Foods with a high content of fiber is: Fruits, Grains, cereals(not the sugar ones, but the whole grain ones ;) ), Legumes, nuts and seeds, and of course: vegetables.
4. Do intervall training!
You can read why at my previous post:
Body composition Changes, why HITT insead of LISS?! and you will understand why ;) - simply said: it is the most effective when it comes to burning fat.
5. Drink coffee
Caffein has been shown to increase the release from the fat cells in the fat deposits, and making fat more available to be burned as energy. (So you will use fat from your fat deposits)
Which is a wanted effect when you want to loose fat.
One cup of coffee contains about 100mg of caffein, so 1-3 cups a day is okey.
My tip: If you are a very stressed person, who meet many stressful situations everyday - you should not drink too much coffe. This can actually have the opposite effect of what you want, and fat can be stored at the belly and hip area. Read more about this here: Stress!! what can it cause, and how to reduce?
To gain more knowledge about training, visit:'s training category.
And my tip number 1:
Find a sport / activity / exercise form that you ENJOY to do! AND DO IT!
This will keep up your motivation to stay active :)
Have a NICE sunday! Hope you enjoyed your weekend, and that you are ready for next weeks challanges :) Don't forget: Monday is the day to set the standard for the rest of the week! ;)