Not exactly, love the weekends, but since there is allot going on (like two exams within 10 days) - the weekend isn't exactly made for relaxation, party, and socializing (It kind of ever is :P )!
The only difference from the other days, is that there is no school - so the structure of the day looks a bit different ;)
And btw, Next weekend I'm going to FIBO power! Europs biggest meeting point for the bodybuilding, weight training and material arts community! (FIBO POWER 2013) :D I'm sooo exited, looking forward to be inspired!! :D
BUT I have to get a shitload of stuff done before that! so only 6 days to diposition before the first exam - BUT - of course I still be working out ;)
So today was leg day!
Breakfast/pre workout meal at 8
LOVELY breakfast :D
2 rice coockies (with coconut and chocolate <3 ) 26g carbs
covered with 50 grams of peanutbutter 30g fat
And minced meat giving 30 g protein!
Nice balanced meal in the morning before a workout ;)
Pre-workout AND post-workout supplements
Creatine, L-glutamine and BCAA
Creatine: Increases the availability of instant energy. It increases muscle strength. It improves endurance and delays fatigue. Creatine will force a little bit more fluids into your muscles, giving a good pump and making them a little bit bigger.
L-glutamine, Glutamine plays key roles in protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and anti-catabolism. Glutamine also increases your ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone, which helps metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. Glutamine's anti-catabolism ability prevents the breakdown of your muscles. --> Gives me faster recovery :)
BCAA: These amino acids are needed for the maintenance of muscle tissue during physical stress and intense exercise. BCAA's function as anabolic agents, which allow the body to burn fat and not muscle. Therefore, branch chain amino acids are crucial in your quest for muscle growth.
BCAA: These amino acids are needed for the maintenance of muscle tissue during physical stress and intense exercise. BCAA's function as anabolic agents, which allow the body to burn fat and not muscle. Therefore, branch chain amino acids are crucial in your quest for muscle growth.
I Also drink BCAA during the workout :) 10 grams in total for pre, during and post workout ;)
- 3/4 squats (only moving in the lower range of motion between approximately 70 to 140 degrees in the knee joint) - this BURNS (video coming up next week ;) )
- 3/4 leg press (focus posterior chain legs) - so girls(and boys) when you want focus on that ass and hamstrings - only place you heels on the board(as in the picture)! and go deeeeeep;)
- 3/4 leg press (focus posterior chain legs) - so girls(and boys) when you want focus on that ass and hamstrings - only place you heels on the board(as in the picture)! and go deeeeeep;)
- sissy squats
- stiff leg romanian dead lift
- leg curls
- heel raises on one leg
I do 4 series for each exercise, with approximately 15 reps. (except the calf training, there its max reps, max series!)
postworkout meal:
kwark/quark/kesam giving 30 g protein
and berries and fruit giving 30 g carbs :)
+ some almonds giving 10 g fat :)
Since many of you wonder how I look after I started my "bulking", here you go!
Have a nice weekend :D take a walk, play with your children outside, go for a run, hit the gym, or do something your body will thank you for ;)
Tataa! :)
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