tirsdag 30. juli 2013


I've got a lot of questions lately of why I'm doing this to myself. Especially after I came back home to Norway.

"Why did you decide to get that big?"

- Like I'm THAT big (sounds like I'm the hulk, and actually I feel pretty small :P)

"Why did you decide to train like guys?"

- What? come again. Train like guys you said, do you mean to train, lift weights? There is no guy training nor no girl training - except the focus of different body-parts maybe(like guys wants big arms, and girls loves a nice booty)

"Why do you want that low fat percentage?"

- Simple: To see the muscles I've been working so hard to build during my bulking period, you can't see them through the fat.

"You are not going more extreme now are you?"

- well, there is a competition coming up, so yes, I'm going more extreme. The fat percentage still has to go down.

"I think that there comes to a certain limit when it doesn't look nice anymore, do yo?"

- hmm, actually not. Maybe when the women starts to grow a broad jaw, a little penis and hair growth appears at places it should not.

Well, I want to thank all of you others for supporting me, believing in me, backing me up, giving incredible motivating comments and remarks - knowing there is NO shortcut to get where I've gotten today.

This picture summarizes quite well why I do what I do, and I can imagine there is more of you people feeling the same way.
Don't let the "haters" drag you down, make you have second thoughts or make you question yourself. (been there, done that - but now it's enough! ;) )
Do it for your own reasons, do it for yourself and not for anyone else.

To me, a trained athletic body says more that just esthetics. It screams discipline, a will to use the humans total potential and a will that can move mountains in any situation in the daily life.

To me the training makes me stronger in every situation!
and as I've written many times before, I think it's amazing to see how the body can transform with some adjustments in activity and diet. This time I decided to take it to the extreme, and make the mind and body ready for the stage!
Some people just needs a challenges everyday, and I guess I'm one of them.

This is btw me ready to train like a man! ;)

And it gives results! To me this is something to work against, to me muscles and low fat percentage on a girl is pretty! Say whatever you want, but I will continue doing my thing ;)

Will you?

mandag 29. juli 2013

Dessert containing less than 300 kcal! (+ a small update)

Raspberry Sorbet with yoghurt and cherries

Approx nutritional content
200g frozen raspberries
250ml natural yoghurt
50g cherries (5 pieces +)
1/2 tsp Bourbon vanilla (you can drop this one if you want)
3tbsp unmixed fun light raspberries

Kcal 264

Protein: 12,5
Carbohydrates: 26g
Fat: g 10,4

You need a blender, hand mixer or smoothie machine :)
How to?

1. Weigh the raspberries and put them in a bowl/the blender or so together with the fun light and the vanilla

2. Measure up the yoghurt, put it in a deep bowl and have some cinnamon on top

3. take out the stone of the cherries

4. Now the raspberries has defrost a bit, and are ready to be blended until they have a nice smooth consistence :)

put the sorbet on top of the yoghurt, decorate with the cherries and EAT with a clear conscience ;)

put the sorbet on top of the yoghurt, decorate with the cherries and EAT with a clear conscience ;)

tip: If you want it sweeter, add more fun light into the berries during blending

Now I got two months left of my diet, and as you see: I'm trying to make all my food as tasty as possible..
I'm craving for everything at the moment, and the only way to satisfy this cravings is to make food that tastes good and looks good ;)
To be on a strict diet, does not equal to eat food with no taste ;)

To all of you others out there being on a diet, hold strong, stay continuos in what you are doing - and the results will come!
For the first time in my life I can spot some vessels on my belly, and I'm soo proud! This picture is taken in the morning, so "kåre blodåre" hides after a meal ;P

Hope you all enjoy your summer, and are creating memories together with the ones you love.

Peace out! :)

lørdag 27. juli 2013

Delicious summer dinner tip :)

Tonje's shrimp special ;)

Exotic spicy coconut shrimps!

How to??

Approx nutritional content
50 g dry rice
75 g shrimps
100g mixed salad
1/2 chili ( I like it spicy)
and some fresh garlic
1 tsp coconut oil (cocosa)
1 slice lime
dried basilicum


Protein: 25g
Carbohydrates: 40g
Fat: 6g

Well - this ingredients list is for me and my diet to fit my macros - use as much as you want to of the different stuff ;)

First of all - this tastes best with fresh/frozen shrimps - don't use the one in that smelly, salty "water"!
If you don't have the patience to clean them yourself, make sure you rinse them good with water!

1. Put the shrimps (after cleaning them) in a bowl together with the oil, garlic and chili - stir well together and let it stay 
2. Boil rice (I use Basmati rice), and add curry and bassilicum to it while it's boiling

3. cut the salad, put it on the plate and add whatever spice you want to it
4. When the rice is done - put it on the plate and lay the shrimps on top of it so it gets heated by the rice and squize the lime over it.
5. EAT :D

Keep on having a great summer! :D
Stay focused on you goals and creative with your food ;)

lørdag 13. juli 2013

Competition coming up! (fast!)

Hey! Long time now see!

A lot has happen since last post!

I've had a bunch of exams, I've moved to Norway - and now - finally I can lower my shoulders a bit - and try to have total focus against my training.

Don't worry  - I've sticked to my training regime and diet all the time, but now (or pretty soon) I can get my mind totally set against my goals again.

It's hard to be in this transitional phase! Now I have to adjust to new surroundings, and create new routines which has to fit into how the daily life will be here in Norway. It's been 4 years since I lived in my hometown Kongsberg - and I must admit its a bit weird and at the moment I'm a bit lost!

During the summer - there will be occasional updates on my blog, - now its time to focus on people around me and personal development. But - I will stay active on instagram so feel free to follow me: tonjecho

The competition is right around the corner, and 21st of September I have to be in my best shape ever! Both mentally and physically. Aiming to be ready for competing in women's physique.

Here you got some pictures taken lately, updating you a bit of how the shape is now ;)
Slow but steady progress! The key now is to find a way to keep the progression going with no stagnation and minimal muscle loss!

The lower the fat percentage, the closer to the competition and the closer I'm to my dearest ones - 
my respect for this sport and the ones successful in it grows every day!
You need a psyche of steel! And a big group for support around you - without the amazing and big support I get from my boyfriend - I wouldn't even be close to where I am today.

I'm also a part of a team now: Teambodywork - and I'm really looking forward to meet all of them!

This was btw my breakfast today!
(I must admit I go early to bed, just so I know that when I wake up its not long until I can have a delicious meal!)
With some creativity - egg-whites, oatmeal, and fruit can turn into a master piece! ;) Topped with cinnamon, and chocolate sirup from walden farms!

Hope you enjoyed the summer so far! :) Try to make every moment a special one :)

Peace out!