onsdag 20. mars 2013

How to make a pizza heatly, and a nice tip for desert :)

Hi there!
Still busy days, have been long school days and allot to do!
I have now started to eat more(from saturday), and also started on the new training program :) It really gives me the pump, and the muscles are exhausted after the workouts! - stimulating them to grow!
So far, so good :) except that I've got the cold! So not feeling too good today :/ Trying to sleep it of, and if I don't have fever later today- there will be a workout today too.

I will as soon as I start, find out if it works or not :) YES, I train when I'm sick as long as I don't have a fever (or feeling way too bad, like throwing up or something.)

The week so far:

Monday - Chest, shoulders and abs
Tuesday - Legs (could barely walk when I was done :P )
Wednesday - Back, biceps and triceps

But yes, back to the theme,
Saturday night, we had the best pizza and desert ever :D Healthy too ;)
So here are some tips to make your own healthy tasty pizza:

Homemade pizza

Picture before it was put in the oven
After I took it out!

As the pictures indicates; the guests liked it! ;) Planned to take a picture when it came out of the oven to, but in like 5sec the pizza was long gone ;)

Few tips to make a healthy pizza:

* Make the bottom yourself!
Keep it simple
- we only used a gluten free bread mixed (about 70/30) with whole grain flour :) 300g in total
- since we love italian pizza, the bottom was very thin ;)
After letting it raise for 20 min (while making the fill), we put it in the oven for 10 min.

* Make the pizza saus yourself
- chopped tomatoes (hermetic) 2 boxes
- tomato puree (hermetic) 2 boxes
- sun dried tomatoes 20g (depending on your tase)
- garlic (Think we used approximately 7 cloves :P, love garlic), and other spices you prefer

We mixed the pizzasaus into the minced meat and let it boil for 15 minutes

* Use allot of meat!! we used:
- 700g minced meat (frie it, the boil it for 5 min, pour of the fat and rince it before adding the pizza saus)
- 200g smoked ham (above the cheese - then it gets crispy and tastes like bacon)
- 100g chorizo (not needed if you want less fat)

* Use a kind of fat reduced cheese
- we found a nice on with only 7 g fat, near 0 carbs, and 33g proteins per hundred g

Since we prebaked the pizza bottom for 10 min, you only need to bake it on 200degrees til the cheese has melted :) (10 min or so)

Approximate nutritional content:
For the whole pizza:

Proteins - 330g
Carbohydrates - 130g
Fat - 120g (by taking away the chorizo, it gets much less)

For one BIG piece(1/16):
Proteins - 20 g
Carbohydrates - 8 g
Fat - 7.5 g

I'm just saying: Enjoy it with NO kind of bad conscience :D

For desert we had orange mousse, and oranges  :D
tasty jummy jummy snack!
Not going to write the whole recipe her;
but we took it from the norwegian page

Nutritional content per 100gram:
186 kcal
4,4g protein

2,2g carbohydrates
17,6 g fat

If some of you need help with translation of the recipe just tell me ;)
But right now I'm going to sleep!

Have a nice day everybody! :D

søndag 17. mars 2013

Change in plans!

Yepp, you read correctly!
The last 9 weeks I have been working on getting a lower fat percentage in a slow fashion way, the goal was to build muscles and loose fat at the same time.

BUT - from now on! I will only focus on building muscles! Getting bigger - the so called bulking stage! Not a crazy bulking stage - but still its bulking!
Which means a considerable increase in amount of food, and some changes in my training schedule!
yes, I will put on some fat, yes, I will get more muscles faster, yes, I will get more energy, AND yes - the training will be more fun!

Why?!? you may think, isn't that just to destroy what you have achieved during the 9 weeks of fat loss?
Well, as the picture indicates - the way to success isn't a straight line!! Now I have to take some steps back, you can say it like that I did stop my "bulking stage" to soon - so lets do it again! ;)
No reason to loose fat if there is not enough muscles under it :)
Also, when you have lost the fat once, it's easier to loose the next time ;)

 This is a picture from last time "I got ripped", taken in may 2012, halfway through the ripping (Ripping = fatmeltdown!)
When I was done, there was almost nothing left of me!
So to not end up with same result this year, but to improve- I simpy need more muscles ;)
I already have more muscles, because of my training during the autumn and winter of 2012 - but I want even more!

wich simply means ripping will come later :)

- This appeals to my main goal:

"Become a better version of myself"
(never endig story, the goal pops up every year, and will always do!)

My calendar still goes on, and now it's 168 days left of it ;) I actually think the result will be much better now, than if I just followed the track I already was in :) (the end result will still be a ripped muscle freak!!)

Have a nice sunday :D

fredag 15. mars 2013

Status update week 9 and some words about deload

Friday = status update day!

Well, must admit I was a little worried this time again - deload week, night out and taking pictures on my own (had to literally push the button, and run into position!!)

So as I suspected - all the measurements stands still!
But, now I have tons of energy, and are ready to rumble next week! :D Only have one more deload workout this week, before High intensity, heavy weights, allowed to go to failure and and and yohoo :D

Measurements today compared to last week:
Waist    67cm (0)
Hips      76cm (0)
Thighs  57cm (-0,5)
Arms    31cm (0)


Oh yes, I admit it - I'm quite satisfied with my tights these days :)

Some words about deload

Well the purpous of a deload week is to allow sufficient recovery of you body!
When you have trained for some years, this is i really important measure to take to don't get overtrained!

I have been training for many many years, so for me an intervall of 3 weeks hard, 1 week deload is good.

If you only hav been training for one year or so (depending on how hard of course) it can be sufficient with once every 12th week, once every 10th week, or 8th week.

Signs of overtraining

-       Chronic fatigue, unaffected by normal sleep
-       Insomnia
-       Lasting muscle soreness
-       Increased resting heart rate
-       Decreased strength
-       Sudden drop in performance
-       Decreased overall work capacity
-       Loss of motivation
-       Mood swings
-       Depression
-       Decreased muscle size
-       Decreased immunity (increased frequency and severity of ig. Colds, sore throat)
-       Pain in muscles and joints
-       Injuries
-       Headaches
-       Decreased appetite

So if you recognize this symptoms - DELOAD now!

There are different ways to do it, some go from heavy weight lifting to only doing bodyweight
exercises, others leave the base exercises out of the programme (deadlifts, squats, bench) and 
focus on smaller/isolated muscle work, but one guideline that pops up everywhere is that you are
supposed to reduce your total training load with 40%. - this you can be done in example by 
reducing Kgs lifted, sets dones or time you run.

There is many ways to Rome!

It can be wise to focus some extra on mobility exercises, stretching, activation of muscle groups (like
glutes - to many people dont have contact with their glutes - get it!) and working on the technique.

Have a nice friday, and promise me: do something to enjoy yourself this weekend :D

torsdag 14. mars 2013

Busy days, training sessions + best evening meal EVER :D

Hello there!

There has been som e busy days lately, with school and social happenings :)
Where out last night celebrating a good friends birthday, and on the menu was steak with jacked potato, grilled corncob and a glass of red wine (believe it or not, I actually had a hangover today!! :-O) not used to that alcohol!!
But don't worry, I have done my workouts :) (171days left!)

I also walk to and from school every day now! Since my bike is gone with the wind!

Tuesday was a circle/circuit training session, with focus on legs, back (upper and lower), biceps, glutes and triceps.
Two circles consisting of 3 exercises each. 2 minutes break beween each circle, for 3 rounds.
In each circle there is NO break - jump straight to next exercise when done with one. I did 12 repetition for each exercice :)

This really gets you heart rate up, and the sweat to flow like a river! You get the pump!!

Today was a total body strength session, relatively heavy weight and few repetitions(5), 3 series.
But not to failure! (still deload week you know! - I'm starting to get a little impatient now - but next week deload is over! looking forward to it :D )
Finished it off with a fattburn session:

40 kettle bell swings
40 air squats
40 burpees

on time (as fast as possible) - used 6 minutes today, so next time I do it I will aim to beat my time ;)

5 min rest - before 10 min on the ellipse machine, and then walking home(15 min)
tired and done!!

Best evening meal ever:

Containing proteins and carbohydrates ;) (remember that protein can't be stored in you body like carbohydrates, so if you want to stay out of the catabolic phase - eat proteins in you evening meal ;) )

Oatmeal pancakes with quark, berries and walden farms pancake syrup :D

What do you need?
For the pankakes:
60 g oatmeal
1/2 tsp psyllium husk (not absolutely necessary ;))
2 egg-whites (70g)
1/2 tsp baking powder
also good with cinnamon, cardamom, and vanilla :D (or may I say: delicious!! ;) )

For the topping (or you can use whatever you like as topping ) :
Berries :D
How to do?
1. Put oatmeal in a bowl, add water till its all covered, let stand for 10 min
2. Add egg-whites, baking powder and psyllium husk (salt and other spices if wanted) Blend it all nicely together
3. Put in the pan (medium heat) - flip it when it has "stiffened" on the top, and leave it for another minute or two. (This gives one thick nice pancake, if you like them thinner - just divide the pancake batter in two)


While the pancake is in the pan/or when waiting for the oats to soak up the water - make the topping.

Take wanted amount of quark (I use an amount giving me 20g of protein), mix it with stevia to you think it's sweet enough :)

Put the pankake on a plate, put quark on top, then the berries and soak it with walden farms pancake syrup :D
Use frozen (best when defrosted) or fresh berries :)

Approximately Nutritional content of the pancakes:
40 g carbohydrates
8 g protein

(I add the quark so it gives me a meal of approximately 30 g proteins)
Depending on what types of berries you use, but 100 g gives around 6-7 carbohydrates :)

Dry in the morning! (BEFORE the night out!)

Have a nice evening everybody! :D

mandag 11. mars 2013

Stress!! What can it cause, and how to reduce! :)

My day starts 06:00 every morning, and bedtime at 22:00
And I even wake up some minutes before 6! (wich means before the alarm rings)
For those of you saying it's not possible! Well it is! But it takes time to get your body into a rhythm. It can be a struggle sometimes, and not all of you have this possibility, but then I'm thinking of people having kids - you other guys - there is no excuse! With some willingness and planning you can make wonders!
And when you get there, it's good! :) Your body will thank you!

Leading to the subject: STRESS!

We are not made for all the stress we are facing in "this world", a ordinary mans daily life is enough to get the body in imbalance. You hormones goes bananas, something you feel and see on your body.    

Some of the hormonal changes happening in you body is an altered testosteron - cortisol ratio
(I really recommend this book for a thorough lesson about the topic "The cortisol Connection")

Where you will get an elevation of cortisol and a depression of testosterone! Something you simply dont want!

Here you can se the effects:

Of elevated Cortisol Levels:
Table from The Cortisol Connection
 And low Testosterone Levels:
Table from The Cortisol Connection
So yes, why did I talk about having a rhythm? Well, it's simply because this is some of the most important (and easiest) measures you can take to reduce stress :)

Another thing you can do to reduce stress, is to
Eat like a clock watch!
- Try to eat your meals at fixed times everyday!
- This is especially important if you are on a calorie deficit (calorie deficit = stress! Your body believe you dont have access to food!)
- By eating at the same times everyday, your body "knows" when it will get it's food, and it will not be as stressed as it would in a chaotic day with no routines :)
By eating like a clock watch - you also reduce the feeling of hunger!

Difficult to eat at the same times every day? Start with your breakfast and last meal of the day, and then slowly try to build in the other meals :)

My meal preparations for the day :)
Here is my breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert :)
Only used 20 minutes in the kitchen including the dishes
(again - NO excuse to don't take care of your body)

My last two meals of the day only consist berries/fruit, oatmeal and a proteinshake - so no need to prepare ;)

Third thing you can do to reduce stress;
work out!!!
But not too little and not too much! Remember to take a deload week once in a while, and rest days when you feel you need it! (If you are one of the people who works out really hard)
Someone need a kick in the butt, while others need to be kept at bay.

You actually dont need to do the most fancy workouts if your only goal is reducing stress, then a walk for 30min to an hour 3 days a week is sufficient ;)

Finally some pictures of todays workout :) Deload day 1 - light weight, but still exercises that makes the heart pump a little extra ;)

weighted back extensions
Only 174 days left

rear lunge from step

front squat - ass to the grass

And please remember:
To take care of your own health isn't only for yourself, but also for the people that loves you!

Have a nice evening :)

søndag 10. mars 2013

Shoulder workout! Day 175!

Sunday workout, after two days of TOTAL rest (my body needed it!!)
- actually, I should have taken the rest day(s) before I did... But it is hard, when you eager after a goal.. But you simply have to listen to your body, otherwise all your effort will work against you! :-O
Restitution is one of the most important factors concerning your training!!
(have to write it down, not only for you, but for my brain to understand this!!) One thing is saying something, but no matter how educated you are, it doesn't help if you do not practice it!!
So yes, hope I learned my lesson this time ;)

The clock is ticking and day after day goes by. The time goes incredibly fast in my opinion!
Day 175 in my calendar, and today I worked specific on the goal of getting bigger shoulders :)

A hypertrophy workout, to exhaust every single muscle fiber! Didn't have a spotter today, so went for a little less weight, but real focus on eccentric phase - least 3 seconds :)

From monday on there will be a deload week(note that I didn't write total rest!), where I'm going to use totally different and easier workout routines, avoiding failure in every single exercise.
Since the programme I'm doing now is HARD for the body - I use 3 weeks "normal" training, and 1 week deload circles. For all you ladies out there - I would recommend to put the deload week when Aunt Red is visiting! ;)
Todays workout:
Dumbbell Shoulder press: 10 reps, 3 series 14Kg

Lateral raises                                                 8Kg
superset Reversed flies: 10 reps, 3 series       6kg

One arm standing cable row 10 reps + rear delt rope row 10res  35Kg
superset Front raise/shoulder press combo: 10 reps, 3 series         6Kg

Hanging lateral raises Rest-Pause                 6Kg

28's standing DB shoulder press full range    7Kg

28's standing DB shoulder press neutral grip 7Kg

Finished it all with rowing intervalls 8x30 sec on, 30sec of and walked home from the gym ;)

I usually combine back, shoulders and biceps in one workout. (But not today ;) ) just some pictures from last workout :)
Wide grip neutral row
wide prone grip lat pulldown

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend, and that you have given your body some rest ;)
Prepared for a new week with school/work or whatever you do :)

Have a nice day! :)

fredag 8. mars 2013

Emil no more


there have been some time since last time I`ve blogged and its due to many factors. Mainly school and training which takes up quite a lot of my time, and I have been too tired to write anything.

So I have decided to stop blogging.

However Tonje will still be going strong and keep blogging! :-D

Peace out,


Status update week 8 - comparing pictures to start!

As I promised last week, here are the comparison pictures from before we started on the diet ;) The point we went from "bulking" to have a goal of decrease in fat percentage with minimal loss of muscles:)
It has been 8 weeks now, and I (Tonje) have "only" 177 days+  left ;) My goal is to increase muscle mass at the same time as I'm losing fat! :)

Measures today compared to last week and 8weeks ago:

+/- to last week
+/- to 8weeks ago
67 cm
- 6cm
76 cm
- 1 cm
- 7 cm
57,5 cm
- 2,5 L / -  1,5 R
31 cm

My current weight is 63Kg, just the same as when I started! Perfect! :D
First the weight went a little down, before it went up again - and that is just perfect - indicating that I'm keeping and even are building some muscles ;) LOVE IT!
As I see it now, there is nothing wrong if my measures wont get lower every week from now on, as long as they dont go up around waist and hips - I'm aiming for proportions, and as long as I'm increasing in strength and muscle mass - that will come :)
Taking it slow, for a more or less permanent change! You know, its a lifestyle and all that shi** ;)
start                                and         after 8 weeks

start                                and         after 8 weeks

start                                and         after 8 weeks

Emils: Measures today compared to last week and 8 weeks ago:

+/- to last week
+/- to 8 weeks ago
87 cm
- 1 cm
- 4,5 cm
95 cm
- 1 cm
- 4 cm
63,5 cm
- 0,5 cm
- 1,5 cm
106 cm
+ 3 cm
+ 3 cm
38 cm
- 1 cm
- 0 / - 1 cm

start                                and         after 8 weeks
start                       and         after 8 weeks
start                                and         after 8 weeks

Have a nice weekend :)